funding & financing

Great ideas need funding if they are to become reality and whilst finding funding is often the first step, for many it is the hardest one to reach. Public funding is a great place to start looking, but it is worth bearing in mind that the larger the grant, the more complex the application process usually is. It takes a willingness to understand the details, to describe your business accurately and to gain an understanding of what is essential for the application process. We are here to help you with our expert advice. With our many years of experience helping others like you, we can identify for you the right funding programmes and guide you through the essential parts of the application process, helping you save valuable time.

Funding application, consulting | Bernd Kopper Gründer*inneninfo
grant application

Preparation of funding applications

Grant applications always seem daunting at first sight, however, you are not alone. With our experience and our many years of expertise we support you in finding the right grant or funding for each project and we support you in preparing the application for funding in the best possible way. For the successful submission of an application our support ranges from the evaluation of the planned project to the joint development of a detailed project structure and advice in the preparation for writing the grant application, through to a final quality control of the entire grant application, depending on your needs.

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Company valuation, market value | Bernd Kopper Gründer*inneninfo
company valuation

What is the market value of my company?

Everyone knows it from TV shows like "2 Minuten 2 Millionen”: When looking for investors, the first question that comes up is the value of the company. Especially in the case of start-ups and new businesses, there are only few empirical values and even less historical data on which to base the value of your start-up. We evaluate your company and determine its current and future business value. We also provide support by preparing you to present your business to investors and defining the strategy you will need for the negotiations that follow.

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Crowdfunding Consulting Graz | Bernd Kopper Gründer*inneninfo

A community for my company

Launching a crowdfunding campaign can, in many cases, be just the right way to generate the necessary financial resources you need, while creating awareness through the accompanying marketing activities. Another positive side effect is the formation of a community that loves your brand. In a time of mass media and sensory overload, building a community can secure you the necessary competitive edge. We will support you with the conception and implementation of your crowdfunding campaign.

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The aws supports innovative companies, especially in the high-tech sector, but also in creative industries, from idea generation to a sustainable expansion.


Grants from the FFG facilitate or enable the financing of research and innovation projects and thus can help to cushion the accompanied risk.


SFG has the goal of consolidating the state's position as a competitive, leading European region and supports entrepreneurs in a variety of ways.


National and international companies in Vienna are supported by the VBA (Vienna Business Agency) with subsidies as well as manifold services and consulting.


Horizon Europe is the research and innovation framework programme running from 2021-2027. Main goals are to tackle the climate crisis and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


The EIC accelerator supports top class innovators, entrepreneurs and small companies with funding opportunities and acceleration services. It focuses on market-creating innovations that shape new markets and generate growth.


For german fundings please get in touch with us. We'll be happy to connect you with our german partner.